The Future of Sustainable Protein
Building a global, automated protein production capability.
The Global Food Security Crisis
We are working on a unique approach to help solve the biggest problem facing humanity today and over the coming 30 years.
All studies carried out on fish (fingerling, rearing and fattening stages) indicate that a reduction of between 25% and 30% of the main source of protein by insect meal produces results equal to or better than traditional diets.
Carbon Neutral Footprint – The use of insect based feeds reduces the carbon footprint of the final product.
Hypoallergenic –Insects are used as a hypoallergenic ingredient (protein) by a wide variety of veterinarians.
Nutritious – Insect protein digestibility is very high and no changes are detected when changing the diet of dogs and cats from commercial feed to insect feed.
Palatability - Both cats and dogs consume feed with insects in preference tests.
Better resistance to disease – Low albumin/globulin ratio. Grimineger & Scanes 1986.
Better Productivity – + 15% egg mass and 2x laying frequency due to the higher contribution of methionine and lysine. Fulvia Bovera et. al. 2018
Carbon Neutral Footprint – The use of feed with insect meal reduces the carbon footprint of the final product.
Productivity – +50% yield increase after substitution of fish meal by insect mealNewton et. to 2005.
Carbon Neutral Footprint – The use of feed with insect meal reduces the carbon footprint of the final product.
15% improvement in Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR)in diets that include insects. F. Bovera et. al. 2015.
The substitution of up to 50% of the protein source for insect meal does not report significant differences in the final weight.
Carbon Neutral Footprint – The use of feed with insect meal reduces the carbon footprint of the final product.
Human food
Insect flour is possible to integrate it into many products (pasta, snacks, biscuits, extruded...).
Meat substitute can be generated via a proprietary process.
Contains a high amount of protein with all 9 essential amino acids.
Carbon Neutral Footprint – The use of feed with insect meal reduces the carbon footprint of the final product.